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helping churches navigate people operations

People Operations – or People Ops as it’s often called – is simply the staff management principle of putting people first. 

What is People operations?

People Operations is a strategic business function that focuses on putting the employee first by humanizing impersonal systems and continuously improving employee engagement, development, and retention.

The term was coined by Laszlo Bock—former HR Director at Google—who explored this in more depth in his book, Work Rules!

We believe that churches should be the obvious front-runners in the move from Human Resources to People Ops. 


People Operations responsibilities include:

• Managing the employee journey

• Developing a people strategy

• Increasing employee value

• Updating HR systems

• Analyzing metrics

• Helping to achieve the wider goals of the organization


It’s about creating a culture and environment that makes employees feel happy and proud to work at their organization.

A successful People Operations department improves company culture, increases employee dedication and diversity, and fuels business growth. So, if you don’t yet have a People Ops team, it may be time to invest in one.

How do People Operations differ from Human Resources?

Although People Operations may sound the same as HR, there are some key differences, especially compared to traditional HR departments.

Traditional HRPeople Operations
Focused on enforcing compliance and reducing liability.Focused on maximizing the value of employees.
Informed about decisions and told to execute.Consulted on strategic decisions and part of the conversation.
Works within narrow boundaries of “traditional HR.”Takes a wider, holistic view of the business and uses People tools to achieve goals.
Responds to issues as and when they arise.Proactively creates new systems and programs to improve ways of working.
Updates and maintains the employee database and inputs pay changes as requested by managers.Creates goal-based reward systems that encourage employee initiative and dedication.
Hire a replacement when a position is vacant.Support the current workforce so that there is less turnover.
HR departments tend to operate separately from all other departments.People Operations connect all departments together.

Many large companies, including Google, Buffer, and IBM, are moving away from traditional HR teams in favor of a People Ops model, which takes a more holistic approach to business.


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